viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2015

the gift i would like to receive

The gift I would like to receive is a Play Station 3 or 4. I would play with this console all day in my room and eat junk food. I would like this because I am envious of my boyfriend. He has one and, although I can play when I go his home, it's not for long. In addition it much better playing in the console than me, and he mocks because I lose constantly.  If I have a PlayStation I could practice and surely I would win, and now I who would laugh. I think that there is little chance of getting, because my mother believes the console is a unnecessary and consumer gift. She could give me money for a trip or study some interesting activity. Besides the Play Station is too expensive, and my mother will believe that I have fallen into the clutches of capitalism. I think that I could to convince to my father, but also my mother could convince him that my idea is not the best.  Well, actually, I also think that I have fallen into the clutches of capitalism, but the desires I have to beat my boyfriend are stronger than years of teaching on the solidarity and anti-consumerism. So I do not think I get so sad if I do not get it.

viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2015

summer plans

In the summer, i would like to visit Colombia. I would go with my friend Ximena. We have planned this trip three  years ago, but first she won an exchange scholarship in the summer of 2014, then I was student exchange too in the summer of 2015. So, this summer is perfect for us to go because both are in Santiago. I have already traveled with her and we have similar interests regarding travel. I like to travel with her because she is relaxed and funny.
I would go to Colombia and meet many cities such as Medellin, Neiva and Palmira. I would like to eat many food dishes from the cities and know many places that are in the forest or on the beach. Also Ximena and I would really like the Colombian accent, so I imagine we will be very happy in those places.

But this plan is only for February (and may be part of March),  because in January I think I will stay in Santiago. I have to do my thesis and work for a teacher.  In my plans I should advance so much in my undergraduate thesis to take the exam in March or April 2016. If I don’t finish this stage of the thesis, I can not go to Colombia in February and Ximena will kill me… She really kill me. In definitive  I think that this pressure is good because then I will advance forward faster.

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

Favourite piece of "art"

My favorite piece of art is a painting called “Le lit, Le baiser”. This piece was painted by Henri de Toulouse-Laurec, he is a French painter who was noted for his portrayal of Parisian nightlife of the late nineteenth century. He born into a noble family and because of inbreeding had different genetic problems; he also was an alcoholic most of his adult life which hastened his death. He is part of the generation of post-impressionism. 
This piece was made in 1982. I like because this picture shows two women and they are prostitutes, in the painting they are giving a kiss. I think that this picture shows a mix of Brotherly love and sexual love. I like this because he shows a human part of prostitutes, which is usually separated from them. 
Overall I like this painter, because he painted mainly women prostitutes or workers. Mainly he paints simple acts such as sleeping or doing laundry, but I think it conveys much more than that. Toulouse-Laurec is not as well known for his paintings, he is best known for his work as an illustrator. He has many famous Moulin Rouge posters and he created a particular aesthetic in this posters.

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2015

a photograph I like

This picture is one of my favorites because they are many friends at this minute I dont see. The photo was taken in February 2015 and shows a farewell meal of scholarship students who were in Spain. This photo was taken by Cristian, who also appear in the photo and it would be a "group selfie". In the pictures there are a lot of "montaditos", it was delicius meal there and were very cheap and we were in my favorite restaurant "100 montaditos". This place was a meeting place because the mondays one motadito cost three hundred pesos and the restaurat was filled with students. 

I like this photo because it contains many of the friends I met there and they are now in their home countries, so I can not talk to them as before, but we keep in touch online, and we always make plans get together somewhere. I also remember the good times that I lived in my university exchange all the good food I ate with them. This photo represents friendship and good food so it is one of my favorite photos.

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

my future job

In future I would like to work in an organization that protects the rights of migrants. In this job I would like to investigate the problems that appear in the migration process, mainly due to legal reasons that limit the opportunities of people, and see the effects of the system latches in life of the people.
 I would like to work for reducing problems with immigrants because of state laws. Also, in this topic is important to investigate the social discrimination suffered by immigrants in relation to their origin, such as acts of discrimination and xenophobia.
I think that in this work will meet many interesting people, who is concerned about this issue and who knows a lot about migration, I also like to travel to work in conjunction with other centers to research on migration  and to complement the ideas about solutions possible.

I think this work is important because it is unfair that the state or system imposes laws against the people.

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

If I won the lottery

If I won the lottery, I would go on a long journey around the world. The places I would know are Latin America and the South Pacific Islands. So I would buy a big car or a motor home and I depart to tour the countries  of South and Central America, there I hope to spend much money on parties and food (and time).  Then I would go to a trip the South Pacific islands - not in my car now-, basically doing the same thing in Latin America. Then I would like to rest in the Tibet and I would like Madonna makes me a massage.  If I have not killed by the party or food, I would like to learn some things, for example I would learn to play guitar with my  tutor Jimmy Page and I would learn to play football with Maradona. Finally, I would get bored of having so much money and  I would give it to my mother to give me an allowance, and thus end in my fifty years old with the body very broken and my mother handing me money each month. Well done.

viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015

the super power i would like to have

I would like to have the super power of "time control", That is the time to stop, advance or go back when I decide. I would like to have this power because for me it is the best super power, you have the power to go back and have fun with the consequences of your actions without being definitive. 

I would do many things with this super power,  for example, I stop the time when I need time to sleep more or to rob a bank. I brought forward the time when it was in boring things I have to do. And finally turn back in many situations because it is the most fun and allows you to have many opportunities to do the same thing . You could also use it to help others or prevent an accident like a superhero. The super power could to have negative effects because the time control is very dangerous, but I don’t care.